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Add optional callback property for witness computation of type zkprove

Mushaheed Syed requested to merge mushaheed#reclaim_prover_callback into main

This pull request adds a new callback parameter [computeWitnessProof] to [ReclaimVerification], enabling witness proof computation from Flutter during claim creation. The resulting proof is then sent to the witness's headless webview.

A heartfelt thank you to @alex and @abdulrreshamwala for their invaluable contributions and support in bringing this feature to life!


Flutter Gnark Prover Plugin's [proveAsync] was used for witness proof computation. The native android and ios libraries are built from Golang Gnark Symmetric Crypto.

The example source code can be found at Gitlab repository of the Reclaim Flutter SDK Example using Gnark Prover.

Logs from example


Merge request reports